troubleshoot errors in laravel
Indrajith . 5 minutes

How to troubleshoot common installation errors in Laravel?

Laravel, one of the most common PHP frameworks, offers developers a trustworthy and efficient platform to develop online applications. However, It is often difficult to install Laravel to get an entirely working project ready to use. For developers, errors in installation can be a difficult obstacle that delays the workflow and causes extra time. In this article, we are going to review the common Laravel installation errors, as well as their reasons and solutions.

Common Installation Errors in Laravel

  • Composer Dependency Issues

For the installation of Laravel, the PHP managing dependency Composer is necessary. Its role is to fetch and maintain a variety of software and libraries needed by Laravel applications. However, installation failures can result in expired packages or dependency conflicts.

“Version conflict” and “dependency resolution failed” are two common problems that developers face while installing software. These problems appear when the Composer has difficulty-balancing the dependencies listed in the composer.json file for the project.

Always be sure that your composer.json properly reflects the required components and their compatible versions in order to avoid such problems. Installation issues can also often be fixed by applying ‘composer update‘ to update dependencies and remove conflicts.

  • File Permission Errors

File permission is another common type of error that arises during the installation of Laravel. These errors generally occur when  the web server doesn’t have sufficient permissions to access or modify particular directories or files in the Laravel project.

Incorrect file permissions might lead Laravel failure by displaying as “access forbidden” or “permission denied” issues. To confirm reliable operation, documents like storage and bootstrap/cache must have appropriate permissions.

By giving permission to the web server user (www-data on Apache) or by using the chmod command file permission errors can be avoided.

  • PHP Version Mismatch

Like any other advanced software, Laravel demands a certain PHP version required to work at its best which can be found in Laravel’s documents. Compatibility problems sometimes appear to be confusing errors during installation or runtime, and that may arise from missing the required version of PHP.

Eg:  if you get any errors like-

  1. Root composer.json requires php ^7.1.3 but your php version (8.0.0) does not    satisfy that requirement.
  1. laravel/framework[v5.8.0, …, 5.8.x-dev] require php ^7.1.3 -> your php version (8.0.0) does not satisfy that requirement.

Root composer.json requires laravel/framework 5.8.* -> satisfiable by laravel/framework[v5.8.0, …, 5.8.x-dev].

Try to resolve these errors using this command : composer install –ignore-platform-reqs

  • Environment Configuration Problems

To secure Laravel’s environmental secrets, first learn about .env files. This file looks simple and it provides a wide variety of setup options that are important for the working of Laravel. However, incorrect input or missing data in the .env domain may result in major installation issues. Discover every aspect of your system setup to prevent potential challenges and provide an easy Laravel installation experience.


Effective Troubleshooting Techniques

We have come to know about some of the common installation errors. Let’s now discuss how to overcome these errors by troubleshooting techniques.

  • Log Analysis

The ship’s log is an important tool for handling difficult situations experienced during the installation journey. Laravel carefully tracks exceptions and failures and holds them in inaccessible logs for the developers to analyze. You can easily understand complex message errors and can quickly fix the problems by improving your skills to identify and figure out these logs.

  • Environment Setup

Every Laravel developer should carefully check their development process  in a secured environment. Give it a detailed evaluation and create an exact copy of your industrial setup. In doing verification of every installation phase, you could identify possible difficulties while taking early steps to solve them before they affect your production transfer.

  • Community Support

The Laravel family is always willing to assist you at every step. We’ll teach you how to use the Laravel documentation and forums to ask questions, get help, and solve installation-related problems.


Tips for a Smooth Installation Experience

Here are some tips which will be really helpful in your Laravel installation journey. 

  • Regular Maintenance and Updates

For regular maintenance and updates give your Laravel projects’ top priority. Changes to security updates, enhanced performance, and bug fixes are often issued by the Laravel developers. In the same way, update every dependency of your project to take benefit from the most recent design and enhance security. To maintain your projects secure, trustworthy, and up to date with modern technologies, create a routine for updating Laravel and its dependencies .

  • Testing on Development Environment

Test your Laravel application on a development setup before assigning it to a production platform which is really a necessary step to follow. Set up your local development setting according to your production environment. To find bugs in the early phase, carefully test the application’s working, setting choices, and installation process. 

  • Reading Documentation Thoroughly

Developers can discover a numerous amount of facts in Laravel’s documentation, which involves everything from installation to advanced use. Before starting any Laravel project read the docs carefully. Find out the recommended installation techniques, configuration actions, and guidelines. Take time to read Laravel’s documentation in the beginning which may save you a lot of troubleshooting in the future.


Understanding the common Laravel installation mistakes and by following  recommended methods for troubleshooting and maintenance, Laravel developers can improve their work practices and can ensure project success. Building excellent web apps involves being aware and alert in fixing installation problems, regardless of experience level with Laravel. You can create long-term Laravel applications and can easily manage the installation procedure, if you take the right path and pay attention to every detail. 

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