product page optimization
Aneesh . 10 minutes

Product Page Optimization: Best Practices for Ecommerce

In the busy world of online shopping, more than 26.5 million websites are trying to get noticed every day. This means there’s a lot of competition! To stand out and sell more, it’s super important to make your product pages as good as they can be. That’s what we’ll talk about here – how to make your product pages top at maximizing sales. But first, let’s understand what product page optimization means.

What is Product Page Optimization? Why is it important?

Product page optimization is the process of improving various elements of a product page on an e-commerce website. Product page optimization is important because it helps to increase the visibility, significance, and conversion rate of the product page. The main goal of optimization is to attract more potential customers and engage them effectively with the product page element. This will ultimately boost driving more sales.

How to Optimize Product Pages of Ecommerce for Higher Conversions

There are different strategies you need to follow to create high-conversion ecommerce product pages. Let’s take a look at the significant ones:

Use High-Quality Product images 

The product images you use should be of high quality. High-quality images create the best impressions in the minds of the customers. This creates customer satisfaction and urges them to stay on the page. Utilize multiple, well-lit images showcasing the product from various angles to enhance image optimization. However, ensure that high-quality images do not compromise page or image loading speed. Always keep a check on the page loading speed. Try page loading tools for checking at regular intervals. Optimize your image or page loading speed for better performance. Use zoom functionality to empower customers with detailed inspection. High-quality images ensure trust and help build customer confidence in their purchasing decisions.

product image

Make the product descriptions attractive and compelling

The description should be compelling and clear to the customers. The description should be informative and useful for the customers. Make sure that when a customer goes through the description they should feel that particular item will solve customer problems. 

Highlight key benefits concisely and tell them how it will enhance their lives. Also, focus on using particular keywords that users search for and it will enhance the product discovery easier.


Create a strong Call to Action

Craft an attractive CTA and grab the attention. Place it in an easy-to-find location and utilize action verbs to encourage immediate action. The colour of the CTA also matters. Design CTA using contrasting colours to grab the attention and give priority to clear messaging.

For example, use messages such as Add to Cart, and Buy Now to make the decision.

Display clear pricing details

Display clear pricing details for higher conversions. It is a fundamental aspect of optimizing for better performance. One of the first things customers look for when considering a purchase is the price. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that the price is prominently displayed alongside the product itself. Combined with engaging descriptions that showcase the value, this approach contributes to higher conversions and overall customer satisfaction.


Include social proof elements such as client reviews and testimonials.

Adding social proof elements such as customer reviews and testimonials is crucial for optimization and increasing conversions. When a customer considers purchasing something, their first instinct is to search for customer reviews. Customer reviews play a vital role in establishing trust and social proof, which accelerates the buying process.

Once customers have access to reviews, accompanied by images, their likelihood of making a purchase significantly increases. Positive customer experiences highlighted in reviews can greatly influence purchase decisions. This reinforces the value and credibility of the product.

client review

Mobile Optimization is a high-priority

The number of customers shopping using mobile phones has skyrocketed. Statistics show that at least 79% of smartphone users purchase online using their mobile device. This trend underscores the critical importance of ensuring that websites and e-commerce platforms are fully optimized for mobile users. Failure to prioritize mobile optimization can result in a significant loss of potential customers and revenue. Therefore, Mobile optimization of ecommerce stores is an essential factor for creating seamless and user-friendly experiences for mobile shoppers.

Optimize Your Website Now!

Implement best practices for layout and design

This is crucial for optimizing mobile experiences. A clean and user-friendly interface plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining mobile users. Businesses can create a seamless browsing and purchasing journey for customers on mobile devices. This can be achieved by ensuring a clutter-free layout, intuitive navigation, and clear calls to action. 

ecommerce website

Audit the product page for any issues

Check the product page carefully for any problems or things that don’t work right. Look at how the page is set up, the quality of the writing and pictures, how fast it loads, and if it works well on phones. Make sure everything is clear and easy to understand for customers. Fix any broken links or mistakes, update old information, and make sure the checkout process works smoothly. 

Mention size options, filters, and detailed measurements

Include size options, filters for easy navigation, and detailed measurements to enhance the shopping experience and help customers make informed decisions. Size options allow customers to choose the right fit, filters help them find the right products based on specific criteria, and detailed measurements provide important information before purchase. These elements optimize and improve customer satisfaction.

shirt size

Include FAQ Section

Adding a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section to your e-commerce is essential. This is aimed at improving customer experience and addressing common queries proactively. This section provides valuable information about the item, shipping, returns, and other relevant topics, reducing customer hesitation and increasing confidence in purchasing.


Best Practices for SEO Product Page Optimization

Include Keywords in Product Titles, Descriptions, and Meta Tags

In SEO product page optimization keywords help search engines understand the importance of your products to user queries. Adding relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, and meta tags improves the visibility of search results. 

It’s essential to conduct keyword research to identify high-traffic and relevant terms that potential customers are searching for. Place those keywords strategically in your content. This generates more organic traffic and displays a gain. This will improve the overall SEO performance of pages.

This is an example of this:

Item: Pure Cotton T-Shirt for Men

Title: “Pure Cotton T-Shirt for Men – Sustainable Clothing”

Description: “Shop our pure cotton t-shirt for men made with sustainable materials. Stay comfortable while supporting the environment.”

Meta Tags:

Keywords: pure cotton t-shirt, eco-friendly clothing, sustainable fashion

Description: “Discover our pure cotton t-shirts for men, perfect for eco-conscious individuals looking for sustainable fashion options.”

Optimize  Product URLs and Using Structured Data Markup

Optimizing product URLs means making short, descriptive URLs with keywords. This helps users and search engines to have a better understanding. Using structured data like can also give search engines more details, leading to better search results with rich snippets. Optimized URLs and structured data boost click rates and visibility in search results.

Internal Linking and Create Sitemap for Search Engines

Internal linking is important for SEO because it helps create a structured hierarchy and spreads link value across your site. Linking related pages helps search engines understand your content better and makes it easier to crawl. 

A sitemap also helps search engines navigate your site, ensuring important pages get indexed. Having a good internal linking strategy and sitemap boosts SEO for your pages, leading to better rankings and visibility in search results.

Best Ecommerce Product Page Examples

The Ordinary

The ordinary

The Ordinary’s product pages focus on providing a user-friendly and informative experience. There is a clear focus on clear communication, transparency, and education. This helps customers to make informed choices about their skincare routine. This is an example of a skincare product page. On this page, there is a lab report image to prove its authenticity. How to use, ingredients and other recommendations based on that particular product are also included. Customer reviews along with an FAQ section are included towards the end of the page.



Amazon’s product page serves as a good example of a well-crafted product page. They include every detail, which helps customers make an informed decision. They provide accurate information on the delivery of the product and available offers. To create a sense of genuineness, they also include how many people have bought that particular item.



Allbirds has used high-quality images from different angles. This helps customers to get detailed information. Along with images, they have included videos to give a clear idea. The description emphasizes comfort and eco-friendly materials, appealing to a specific customer segment. They have included proper details about colour, size guide, and availability.

How to Optimize Product Page for Shopware

To optimize a product page for Shopware, begin by creating compelling headlines, meta descriptions, product videos, and descriptions that appeal to your target audience. Before optimizing, the first thing you should keep in mind is to get to know your target audience well. That helps you customize and place certain elements according to it. Optimize the website according to the requirements of the users. Ensure to conduct a thorough website speed check and optimize the website to meet user requirements. 

Images are of utmost importance when it comes to pages. Choosing the right image is crucial not just the high quality proper size and format are also important. Upgrade or Migrate Shopware Software to the latest version. This ensures your Shopware store performs at its best.  

Using a content delivery network for your Shopware website caters to a global audience. A CDN is invaluable for delivering content swiftly to users regardless of their location. This global reach ensures that users from different regions experience similar loading speeds.

Shopware plugins provide tools that improve checkout, customize products, boost SEO, design pages, and build customer trust to facilitate easy purchasing decisions. Additionally, use Shopware’s built-in features for mobile optimization. This ensures shopware store SEO optimisation and seamless user experiences across devices. Lastly, integrate customer reviews and testimonials to build trust and credibility, ultimately leading to higher conversions. 

How to Optimize Product Page for Shopify

Optimizing a product page on Shopify involves several strategies firstly, focus on setting up a user-friendly navigation system and keeping the product page elements in the right place without causing any difficulties. 

Highlight the offers and new sales happening on the website. Don’t let customers miss out on the offers happening on the website. Send customized pop-up notifications to your customers. Mention trust badges and certifications within the images to highlight the benefits. If you are looking for a professional touch try to hire a Shopify developer to make your website a high-performance one.


In conclusion, optimizing product pages is crucial for e-commerce success. Businesses can enhance visibility, engagement, and conversions by following best practices such as using high-quality images, crafting compelling descriptions, implementing strong CTAs, displaying clear pricing details, adding social proof elements, prioritizing mobile optimization, and leveraging SEO strategies. Platforms like Shopware and Shopify offer tools and features to streamline the optimization process, ensuring seamless user experiences and higher sales. Continuous monitoring, testing, and refinement are key to maintaining effective product page optimization strategies and driving long-term success in online retail.

What is the Google Optimize tool?

The Google Optimize tool is a platform for testing and improving website elements to enhance user experiences and boost conversions.

What are some best practices for product page UI design?

Some best practices for product page UI design include using a clean layout, intuitive navigation, mobile responsiveness, prominent CTAs, high-quality images/videos, informative tooltips, and easy-to-read fonts/colours.

What are some key elements to include in a product page for an e-commerce website?

Key elements to include in a page for an e-commerce website include high-quality images/videos, detailed product descriptions, pricing information, customer reviews/testimonials, size options, filters, clear CTAs, related suggestions, and mobile optimization features.

Can you provide some examples of effective product page templates?

Effective product page templates often include sections for high-quality images, detailed descriptions, customer reviews/testimonials, clear pricing details, prominent CTAs, and related product suggestions. Platforms like Shopify, Shopware and WooCommerce offer customizable templates that businesses can use to create compelling product pages.

Greetings! I'm Aneesh Sreedharan, CEO of 2Hats Logic Solutions. At 2Hats Logic Solutions, we are dedicated to providing technical expertise and resolving your concerns in the world of technology. Our blog page serves as a resource where we share insights and experiences, offering valuable perspectives on your queries.
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Aneesh Sreedharan
Founder & CEO, 2Hats Logic Solutions
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