Cookies in Ecommerce
Aneesh . 6 minutes
February 27, 2024

Cookies in Ecommerce: How Cookies Help Ecommerce Businesses

Upon entering a website, you’re greeted with a familiar set of terms: strictly necessary, functional, performance, and targeting/advertising cookies. In the digital browsing sphere, cookies assume a vital role, operating discreetly to upgrade user experiences and optimize online functionalities.

What are cookies?

Cookies are tiny data files stored on your device by websites you visit, enabling them to remember your preferences and activities. These small pieces of data are integral to the functionality of modern websites 

Understanding their importance and how they operate sheds light on the intricacies of e-commerce development and the personalized web experiences we encounter daily. Let’s delve into the world of cookies, exploring their definition, relevance in online shopping, and the mechanics that make them tick.

Role of Cookies in Ecommerce

Cookies play an important role in ecommerce and let’s take a look at a few.

Tracking user behaviour

Cookies are significant in monitoring user actions on ecommerce websites. Include pages visited, products viewed, and items added to the cart. This data helps businesses understand customer preferences and tailor their offerings accordingly.

Personalizing user experience

By using the information stored in cookies, ecommerce platforms can create personalized shopping experiences. They can suggest relevant products, and display custom promotions. Cookies enable businesses to cater to individual customer needs and enhance satisfaction.

Retargeting and remarketing

Cookies allow ecommerce sites to display targeted ads to users who have previously visited their site. Through cookies, businesses can re-engage potential customers, reminding them of products they showed interest in and encouraging them to make a purchase.

Session Management

Cookies help manage user sessions by storing session IDs and login credentials. This allows users to navigate easily through the website without repeatedly logging in.


Cookies can contribute to enhancing website security. By verifying user identities, detecting suspicious activities, and implementing measures such as captcha verification and two-factor authentication.

Language and Localization

Cookies aid in recognizing user language preferences and geographical locations. This enables ecommerce platforms to deliver content in the appropriate language and currency. 

Types of Cookies Used in Ecommerce

A website uses different types of cookies for different purposes. Let’s take a look at them.

Session cookies

These cookies are temporary and are deleted once the user closes their browser. Session cookies are commonly used in ecommerce to store information about the user’s current session, such as items in the shopping cart for a single browsing session

Persistent cookies

Unlike session cookies, persistent cookies remain on the user’s device even after they close their browser. These cookies are utilized to store user preferences and settings for future visits to the ecommerce website. This provides a personalized experience across multiple sessions.

First-party cookies

First-party cookies are set by the website domain that the user is visiting. In ecommerce, these cookies are used to collect data directly from users. This includes such as browsing behaviour and shopping preferences, to improve the functionality and performance of the website.

Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are set by domains other than the one the user is currently visiting. In ecommerce, third-party cookies are often employed by advertising networks and analytics providers to track user activity across different websites, allowing for targeted advertising and performance analysis.

Benefits of Using Cookies for Ecommerce Businesses

Let’s see how cookies are beneficial for ecommerce businesses.

Better user experience

Cookies contribute to an enhanced user experience by enabling personalized recommendations, tailored product suggestions, and a streamlined checkout process. By remembering user preferences and browsing history, cookies allow ecommerce websites to provide a more intuitive and customized shopping experience, leading to higher satisfaction and increased engagement.

Improved customer retention

Through the use of cookies, ecommerce businesses can track customer behaviour, and identify patterns. And create targeted marketing campaigns to encourage repeat purchases and foster customer loyalty. By understanding individual customer preferences and offering relevant promotions or incentives.

Increased conversion rates

Cookies play a crucial role in optimizing the conversion funnel. This is done by tracking user interactions, identifying potential barriers to purchase, and implementing strategies to overcome them. Cookies enhance the relevance and effectiveness of marketing efforts, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and improved revenue generation for ecommerce businesses.

Common Uses of Cookies in Ecommerce

Cookies serve various essential functions in ecommerce websites to enhance user experiences and streamline processes.

Shopping cart management

Cookies are used to store information about the items a user has added to their shopping cart, ensuring that the cart contents persist across different pages or visits. This allows users to continue shopping seamlessly without losing their selected items.

Login authentication

Cookies help authenticate users when they log into their accounts on ecommerce websites. By storing login credentials securely, cookies enable users to access their accounts without needing to re-enter their username and password each time they visit the site, enhancing convenience and security.

Product recommendations

Cookies track user browsing and purchase history to generate personalized product recommendations. By analyzing past interactions, cookies can suggest relevant products or promotions to users, increasing the likelihood of making additional purchases and enhancing the overall shopping experience.

Challenges and Limitations of Cookie Usage in Ecommerce

Despite their benefits, cookies also pose several challenges and limitations for ecommerce businesses to navigate.

Cross-device tracking limitations

One challenge is the difficulty of tracking user behaviour across multiple devices. Cookies are typically device-specific, making it challenging to maintain a seamless user experience when customers switch between devices. 

Browser cookie restrictions

Many web browsers offer options for users to control or block cookies, which can impact the functionality of ecommerce websites. Browser cookie restrictions can limit the ability of businesses to collect user data, track conversions, and deliver personalized experiences.

User privacy concerns

Ecommerce businesses face the challenge of balancing the benefits of cookie-based tracking and personalization with the need to respect user privacy preferences. Failure to address these concerns adequately can lead to distrust among users and potential regulatory scrutiny.

Best Practices for Cookie Management in Ecommerce

Enabling cookies is not only enough. It is important to follow practices for cookie management in ecommerce.

Regularly review and update cookie policies

Ecommerce sites must update cookie policies to comply with regulations and accurately reflect cookie usage.

Provide clear instructions for cookie settings

Offer user-friendly instructions for managing cookie preferences.

Educate users about cookie usage

Implement informative tools to explain cookie types, purposes, and implications of opting in or out.


Cookies are essential tools for online stores because they make your shopping experience personalized and convenient. It plays a crucial role in crafting optimal online stores and building e-commerce websites. However, businesses must use cookies responsibly and respect your privacy. While cookies might change in the future, right now they’re a big part of how online shopping functions. So, online shops need to keep up with the best practices for using cookies to ensure your shopping experience remains enjoyable and secure.

Greetings! I'm Aneesh Sreedharan, CEO of 2Hats Logic Solutions. At 2Hats Logic Solutions, we are dedicated to providing technical expertise and resolving your concerns in the world of technology. Our blog page serves as a resource where we share insights and experiences, offering valuable perspectives on your queries.
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Aneesh Sreedharan
Founder & CEO, 2Hats Logic Solutions
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