2Hats . 3 minutes
August 31, 2023

How do deep relationships work in Laravel, and why are they important?

Why are they important in the context of the scenario?

Imagine you’re working with four tables: ‘countries,’ ‘users,’ ‘posts,’ and ‘comments.’ Now, let’s say you want to establish a connection between ‘countries’ and ‘comments.’ In this case, the relationship chain would be: ‘countries’ has many ‘users,’ ‘users’ has many ‘posts,’ and ‘posts’ has many ‘comments.’

Now, how would you create a relationship from the ‘Country’ model to ‘Comment’? Initially, Laravel doesn’t offer a built-in relationship like this. However, if you’re unsure about achieving this, don’t worry— Here you will be guided through the process.

Understanding Their Significance in a Practical Solution Scenario

‘Eloquent HasManyDeep,’ is a package which offers an intriguing solution for establishing relationships, including complex ones. To utilize these advanced relationships, you can rely on the Eloquent HasManyDeep package, which can be conveniently installed via Composer.

composer require staudenmeir/eloquent-has-many-deep:”^1.7″

Once you’ve completed that step, navigate to your Country model. Then, add the following relationship:

The first argument of the function is the target model, while the second argument is an array of intermediate Models. In this specific scenario, the intermediate models are ‘user’ and ‘post’. The relationship chain is: country -> user -> post -> comments. From this relationship, we extract only the intermediate models ‘user’ and ‘post’.

If there’s another model, such as ‘CommentsAttachment’, which is related to ‘comments'(comments hasMany CommentsAttachment), we can establish a relationship from ‘countries’ to ‘CommentsAttachment’. This enables us to extend the relationships within the system.

To retrieve the associated model, you can use 


The hasManyDeep() method utilizes Eloquent’s default conventions for both foreign and local keys. Additionally, you have the option to provide custom foreign keys as the third argument and custom local keys as the fourth argument.

What is the importance of deep relationships in Laravel?

Deep relationships in Laravel are essential as they allow you to establish connections between different database tables. With deep relationships, you can retrieve related data from multiple tables with just a single query, which greatly enhances the performance of your application. The ability to define complex relationships between models and access the related data effortlessly is another advantage of deep relationships in Laravel Development. By utilizing deep relationships, you can maximize the efficiency of your database queries and reduce the number of queries needed to retrieve data. This not only improves the speed and responsiveness of your application but also ensures a smoother user experience.


Deep relationships in Laravel play a crucial role in optimizing database interactions and enhancing the efficiency of your application. They enable you to establish connections between multiple tables and retrieve related data with ease, reducing the need for multiple queries and improving performance. This flexibility allows developers to build complex relationships between models, ultimately resulting in a smoother and more responsive user experience. The Eloquent HasManyDeep package, as described in the scenario, provides a convenient solution for handling these intricate relationships, making Laravel a powerful choice for developing robust and efficient web applications.

What are deep relationships in Laravel?

Deep relationships in Laravel refer to complex associations between multiple database tables through a series of intermediate models. These relationships enable you to retrieve related data from distant tables using a concise and efficient syntax.

How can I establish a deep relationship in Laravel?

You can establish a deep relationship using the "Eloquent HasManyDeep" package. This package provides a method called hasManyDeep() that enables you to define complex relationships involving multiple intermediate models.

Can I extend deep relationships to include more intermediate models?

Yes, you can extend deep relationships to include additional intermediate models. This enables you to establish even more complex relationships within your system and retrieve data from distant tables.

How can deep relationships enhance code readability?

Deep relationships allow you to express complex associations using a concise and readable syntax. This makes your code more understandable, maintainable, and less prone to errors.

Greetings! I'm Aneesh Sreedharan, CEO of 2Hats Logic Solutions. At 2Hats Logic Solutions, we are dedicated to providing technical expertise and resolving your concerns in the world of technology. Our blog page serves as a resource where we share insights and experiences, offering valuable perspectives on your queries.
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Aneesh Sreedharan
Founder & CEO, 2Hats Logic Solutions
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