Shopware 6 review_Features
Aneesh . 4 minutes

Why Do I Recommend Shopware 6 Over Other E-commerce Platforms?

Thirteen long years into E-commerce development, I can’t stop thinking about the first custom E-commerce application I developed on a PHP based custom framework in 2007. The very next year in 2008 was when I took a step ahead with Magento1 and held onto it for quite a long time. As a keen observer of the trends in E-commerce development, I have seen many platforms that would come and go. But it was a few years ago that I struck a chord with the German-based E-commerce platform called Shopware. Though Shopware 5, a matured system, continues to reign as the top E-commerce platform in Germany, it was the new version Shopware 6 that I fell in love with!

Built on a modern technology stack with Symfony as the core framework, an admin side interface with Vue.js, a lightweight frontend with Twig template engine and Bootstrap, an API with unrestricted flexibility, Shopware6 is everything you could ask for! This headless application is predicted to be the next big thing in the Ecommerce development industry.

The reasons for Shopware6 being my personal favorite are listed below:

1. Shopping experience and content management system

The modern eCommerce business thrives on how you tell your story and build an emotional connection with the customers. This has a major role in sales conversions. The shopping experience section, built with the powerful CMS in Shopware 6 does exactly this. Equipped with a modern content management system, that is extremely user-friendly allows any person without even a technical background to create beautiful landing pages or shop pages on it. Made simple with drag-and-drop features to add text images, forms, product lists, or even custom elements created by you, it delivers a beautiful frontend that was missing on Magento.

2. Catalog management

The ease to create products and variants will take you by surprise. Vue.js does its magic with multiple data and conditions getting saved on the go! This enables users to create new products and their variants without the need for page reloading.

3. Ease of creating rules such as shipping rules

I haven’t seen such an easy way to create rules and conditions on any E-commerce platform to date. You can create any out of the box rule with the highly intuitive user interface. For example, with shipping rules, the interface allows you to specify what your rules are based on. If it is cart total you can select that and set a value for it. You can add more conditions with AND/OR cases. Pretty straightforward, yet goes the extra mile!

4. Rapid plugin growth

Shopware 6 has already made a mark in the E-commerce development industry. The Shopware partners and plugin manufacturers have left no stone unturned in seizing this opportunity! Plugins are being developed at a rapid pace and are pouring down into the Shopware 6 Store, which has enough plugins for normal webshop operations already.

5. Sales channels

Shopware 6 helps users to make different sales channels and push products to each channel to facilitate targeting the right customers. It could be social media, POS, marketplace, or the traditional shop. Presenting products with a specified target audience has been made easy. As they say- sell where your customers are!

6. Headless architecture

The platform has an API first approach enabling it to be used as a headless application that is built for the future. With fully functional APIs available for frontend and backend, Shopware6 is highly friendly to make PWAs and mobile applications. More into the technicalities, it has a wide range of DB search and filter options. The quick search is impressive indeed!

These are just a few points that top my list. Sounds interesting?

Take a look at the Shopware 6 demo here and let us know if you would like your next shop to be built with Shopware or if you need an upgrade.

Greetings! I'm Aneesh Sreedharan, CEO of 2Hats Logic Solutions. At 2Hats Logic Solutions, we are dedicated to providing technical expertise and resolving your concerns in the world of technology. Our blog page serves as a resource where we share insights and experiences, offering valuable perspectives on your queries.
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Aneesh Sreedharan
Founder & CEO, 2Hats Logic Solutions
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