2 minutes April 25, 2024

How to Configure Redis Cache in Shopware 6?

Optimizing your online store’s performance is essential for delivering a seamless user experience. The most effective method of doing this is by configuring Redis Cache in Shopware 6. Redis is a strong caching technology that helps a lot in terms of the speed and responsiveness of your store, both on the backend and frontend sides.

This tutorial will walk you through how to configure Redis Cache and utilize the power it offers toward optimized shopping.

Steps to configure Redis Cache in Shopware 6

Step 1- Check if Redis Service is Running

Before anything, you should verify if the Redis service has already been installed and running on your server. If it is not, then install it.

Step 2- Modify Redis Configuration

Search for the config/packages/z-shopware.yaml file inside your Shopware 6 installation folder, or create it.

Step 3- Include Redis Configuration

In the z-shopware.yaml file, you should add the following Redis Configuration under the ${framework} part:


Replace 'redis://rediscache' with your actual Redis URL, depending on your environment settings.

Step 4- Save Changes

Save the changed z-shopware.yaml file.

Step 5- Clear the Shopware Cache

After the configuration of Redis Cache, you need to clear the Shopware cache so that the changes will take effect. You can use the command in your terminal from the root directory of Shopware: bin/console cache:clear`

Step 6-Check Redis Configuration

Verify that Redis Cache is set up by either checking the system status or Shopware backend settings. It should be noted that Redis is the caching system.


Setting up Redis Cache in Shopware 6 is very simple but very effective in terms of performance. Partnering with experienced professionals who offer Shopware development services can further enhance this process. Following these steps and optimizing the Redis configuration can only yield improvements to achieve faster response times, streamlined backend processes, and a light user experience for administrators and customers alike. Keep monitoring and changing your caching strategy regularly to keep at the optimum level of performance as the online store grows.

Greetings! I'm Aneesh Sreedharan, CEO of 2Hats Logic Solutions. At 2Hats Logic Solutions, we are dedicated to providing technical expertise and resolving your concerns in the world of technology. Our blog page serves as a resource where we share insights and experiences, offering valuable perspectives on your queries.
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Aneesh Sreedharan
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